Thursday, May 15, 2008

Eco Warrior Day...Pick up the Phone...Now!

Governor Bredesen may allow the Real Estate Transfer Fees to be sucked into the general fund in order to balance the state budget.

He did this once before, caught hell for it, and made it up to future generations with a stupendous effort to preserve and protect some really important lands, The Sundquist Forest and Frozenhead among them. The problem this time is that Bredesen has only a couple of years left and may not have time to pay future generations back for robbing their legacy. Worse...He will have solidified the precedent that fees paid specifically for preserving Tennessee's Natural Heritage can be misdirected for other purposes. What do we think that will mean if we have a Republican governor next term?

I am calling the Governor's office to express my fears and sadness that this has even come up again after his last experience, and ask him to please stand against this move. There are critical lands that need protecting right this very minute, in East Tennessee. To delay the funds will drive them into the hands of developers and deny them forever to future generations of Tennesseans.

Pick up the Phone...Give 'em a call!

Senator Tommy Kilby

Representative Dennis Fergusen

And While you have them on the phone (actually you'll chat with a very nice staff person so don't be afraid) Mention the Scenic Vistas bill and tell them you really don't think we need to destroy our Mountains and water Quality in order to pad Dan Rolling's golden parachute at National Coal.

This is from my friend in Nashville:

This just out at 9:00 PM on Wednesday, 5-14......As all should know by now, the state is in a budget crises with cuts being made right and left and state workers being offered incentives to retire. It was announced earlier today that the budget was at least $15 million out of balance after all the cuts. So...the news tonight is that a very reliable high level source has let us know that one solution being offered is:"to again take the real estate transfer tax that is devoted to open space, wetlands and parkland acquisition and use it to balance the budget."The budget is out of balance by $15 million plus or minus and the transfer tax generates about $17 million. This is a very real danger due to the budget and revenue crises.

We need to call RIGHT NOW the governor's office to express our disapproval of this scheme.

Second, we need to call our representatives and senators to tell them of our call to the governor's office.

If this particular solution passes, the transfer tax is least until it is reappropriated for its original purpose.PLEASE CALL TODAY THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. please pass this on.

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