Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cheap Faked Outrage

Are Americans so stupid that they will fall for a Republican Straw Man attack by President Bush on John Kerry?

Here's what Kerry actually said...

"President Bush had lived in Texas but now “lives in a state of denial.”

Then, Mr. Kerry said: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Kerry was obviously drawing a parallel between two men who attended Yale, Himself and George W. Bush. Bush is who "Stuck in Iraq" refers to...The Republican charade of fake outrage is simply a cheap political trick at its worst.

Kerry has responded in more eloquent fashion than his original botched joke...

“Had George Bush and Dick Cheney been in combat one minute of their comfortable lives, they would never have sent American troops to war without body armor or without a plan to win the peace, and they wouldn’t be exploiting our troops today,” the senator said....

“No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan and a stand-still-and-lose strategy in Iraq,” he said in his statement. At his news conference, he accused Republicans of creating “straw men” because “they’re afraid to debate real men.”

I think that about says it.



  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Are Americans so stupid that they will fall for a Republican Straw Man attack by President Bush on John Kerry?

    Sadly, the answer is "yes"

  2. Ah, Jackson beat me to it - I was going to inquire as to whether that was a rhetorical question.

    Yeah, "No Democrat ..." and yet all that will be reported is that he apologized (as Republicans demanded).

    Kerry needs to give up comedy and his quest for the WH - he's done but contrary to his joke - he's the only on who doesn't get it.
