Saturday, December 31, 2005

Kids before Criminals

Here's more goody on the Roane County jail situation:

Anyone who has been inside a Roane County School knows we have higher needs than a Taj Ma Jail...And we certainly don't need to pay $650,000, that's $24,000.00 an acre, for land with a building that has to be torn down before construction can start. That tract of land is right next to Roane State Community College, anyway.

With a 250 acre brownfield site less than four miles away, why are our commissioners being so dumb? My theory is that they are just being mentally lazy and are letting themselves be led around by folks with an agenda that is not in Roane County's best interest.

Let's help them out on this one.

Here is a printable petition for those who want to help force the jail construction issue to a public referendum. It Is our money they are spending, after all!

Jail Petition


  1. Only in Tennessee. Meanwhile, the front page of my local paper featured a picture of the sheriff with the story of the new law aimed at "shaming" DUI offenders. We got some real rocket scientists around here don't we?

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    So - do you need to exercise a right to referendum, or is it a recall right that you need to exercise - if there is one. We just had a whole town board dumped by voters for trying to push through a a bunch of zoning changes favorable to a big development without addressing public concerns - democracy can work if enough people care.
