"God is against witchcraft," it said.
Harry is supposed to be a Wizard, so I guess god doesn't mind.
Jo Rowling is the nice English lady who writes these books, just in case there is anybody left on the planet that doesn't know this. She seems to have been a spunky girl who went to Portugal and wound up married and pregnant by a journalist named Jorge Argantes, who is now a finalist for the "Stupidest Human on Earth" award.
Jorge was big on giving presents to his wife. Her gave her a couple of pregnancies, one of which produced a child. He also gave her lots of bruises, black eyes, and the other results of being slapped around alot, sometimes in public. She left him and went back to England, where she struggled to get by, since Jorge refused to offer much in the way of support. To entertain her child, Jo made up stories, eventially writing them down and becoming a billionaire or billionairess, both of which have the same number, which is lots, of zeros on the good side of the decimal point.
Jorge...feeling good about yourself, you creep?
BILLIONAIRE is spelled...$1,000,000,000.00
Jorge's abused ex wife is now a significant part of the economy of Great Brittain.
J.K. Rowling has used some of her money to set up a charity to help abused women.
All Right! I'm being investigated by the FBI.
My humble story should be told to all the children in America who think their government doesn't care. Kids, for the price of an ACLU membership card, you can bring the full firepower of the CIA into your very own life.
The ACLU is an organization dedicated to upholding the Constitution of the United States of America, the highest law of our nation. They work to make sure those in power obey the law and don't use their positions of power to infringe on the constitutional rights of American citizens.
Rush Limbaugh is working with the ACLU on issues related to the privacy of his medical records. The ACLU thinks all Americans deserve a certain personal privacy and if something happens that benefits an obvious druggie creep like Limbaugh...well, the law is the law, as long as it works for you and me, too!
I guess you are thinking that since the ACLU is helping drug criminals like Rush Limbaugh, they should be investigated by the CIA. The Bush Administration has done such a good job of catching all the terrorists they can now go after citizens who actually think the Constitution should apply to them, too...What a silly notion!
The FBI is investigating the ACLU because they are trying to get the Bush Administration to read the Constitution they swore to god to uphold.
Let's see how the President's men are holding up. Here are a couple of quotes for you:
McClellan: "If anyone in this administration was involved in it [the improper disclosure of an undercover CIA operative's identity], they would no longer be in this administration." [White House Press Briefing, 9/29/2003]
Bush: "If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action." [President Bush, Chicago, Ill, 9/30/2003]
Whitehouse Press Briefing, Monday 7-18-2005
Well, all that changed in the last few days, and we now know that both of those statements are false. Scottie even announced that he had questioned Karl Rove and Scooter Libby and they had told him that they were absolutely not involved in the destruction of clandestine CIA operations which resulted in at least one execution of an American agent.
We do not know how many more American agents were killed or imprisoned because the President refuses to declassify that information.
We now know that Karl Rove, President Bush's chief of staff, is the guy who told reporters Joe Wilson's wife was a clandestine agent at the CIA, and that this was confirmed by Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's chief assistant. They also gave up the name of the front organization that Mrs. Wilson ran and by doing that, dear friends and patriots, Karl Rove might as well have murdered an American agent himself.
All because a very honorable man, Joseph Wilson, pointed out that George W. Bush was lying. I listened to Mr. Wilson quite a bit, yesterday, and I heard him answer every question thrown at him, completely, with no if's, and's, but's, or maybe's. Ambassador was an American hero, even before he took a bullet for truth from Karl Rove. I'll tell you morem about that later.
Working for Change:

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