Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Is our Children Learning?

Well I'm still bummed about so many people being disenfranchised in the Roane county elections. I should have known this was going to happen and I wonder if some folks knew it and planned for it. Seems like a taste of Ohio all over again.

At any rate, here's a big cheer for all of those folks who stood for hours to excercise their constitutional right to vote...shame on those who didn't...and tripple shame on the deep and destructive failure of our election officials that set this up to happen.

From the Roane County News:

(Election Administrator Tony Brown is a hard working man but he is greatly confused. Here's what he's quoted as saying in the roane County Newspaper)

Brown said some voters said additional voting machines would have helped moved the lines along.

Brown didn't agree.

He reasoned that even if a precinct had three additional machines, it would only take three voters out of line.

With 80 people in line and three additional machines, there would still be 77 voters in line, Brown said.

He blamed the long ballot and the number of people running for office for the backups.

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that with math skills like that, no wonder we are in trouble. As an aside, this was actually pointed out to me by a scientist... thanks Charlie.

I want to know how many voting machines were in place at each precinct. In the precinct I worked there were only two. last election there had been four. When the polls opened there were about twenty people in line. The next person to show up waited one and a half hours to vote...if they waited...and waited...

Thousands didn't and I want to know why?

At any rate this should prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Education is the key to a good community on all sorts of levels. Build a good school system and you'll have the job growth you want...and maybe the right number of voting machines.



1 comment:

  1. I'd blame it on Bush, but that's the easy way out.
