Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring on Fleet Feet

The spring flowers are screaming by at an advanced rate this year. This round lobed Hepatica has already gone away and I just took the shot three days ago. Get out there and breathe deeply, and do it now!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Wildflowers

A round leaf hepatica nods as it wakes up to the day. If the wind holds down I'll try to get a full "facial" of this beautiful spring jewel.

Often used as a spring tonic back in the day when spring tonics were the rule, Yellow root has a beautiful flower that's hard to catch. A tea made from the roots is loaded with vitamin C and is as distasteful as it is healthy.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Preventing Environmental Destruction In Sate Parks Is "Discrimination"

I can't believe this article and the statements made by these folks. Get those emails to TWRA going folks.
"Parts of the [Wildlife Management Area] resemble a moonscape, void of vegetation, wildlife and stream aquatic species, once plentiful there," ...
So Cummings Cove actually is closed to any vehicles, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Lt. Joe Busch said.
"We haven't enforced that law since we took over [in 2006]," he said. "We're not looking to start enforcing it at this time. Will we enforce it in the future? I don't know."... 

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Evening Flight to Wisconsin

Taken at 6 pm March 1, 2012 from the deck at Whites Creek Global Headquarters.