Monday, October 16, 2006

Evil Tool

Few things amaze me more than the incredible meanness of Conservatives...Not even the incredible lengths these Right Wing creeps will go to in order to lie and mislead and justify the manifestations of their hatred. Consider this statement by the chief operations man for Dr. James Dobson, a thoroughly "Conservative Christian man" :

“When we elevate tolerance and diversity to the guidepost of public life,” he said on Fox News Channel, “this is what we get — men chasing 16-year-old boys around the halls of Congress.”

...Tony Perkins, The Family Research Council

We are to only tolerate our own kind of bigot, apparently. Somewhere in my reading of the New Testament I must have missed that part.

The Knoxville News Sentinel publishes Dobson's column on a regular basis wherein Dr. Doson gives out all sorts of helpful guidance for fundamentalists such as the exact type of stick to use in order to properly beat children. I assume things like that are the reason for the "Research" in the group's name. In addition to the proper diameter of corrective rods, perhaps they are also researching Kevlar chastity belts, now that modern composite technology has surpassed 14th century metallurgy.

Conservative Christians, an oxymoron if ever there was one, have been the tool of the Bush adminstration, operating as the slavering attack dog whenever moderation and tolerance rears its apparently evil head. "See what happens?" Dobson's lackey says. "When we promote tolerance, men quit chasing sixteen year old girls around the Halls of Congress, like they are supposed to."

The real problem with Nancy Pelosi is that she is a woman, apparently. Same with Hillary. Perkins and Dobson are calling for a purge of homosexuals from the Republican party...Women, Blacks, and Jews will be next.




  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

  2. The current problem is that intolerance is becoming highly tolerated and the free are not speaking their mind out as much as they used to. I think since the dawn of democracy, the world had never taken so many steps backwards (regarding individual's freedom) as it did during "the war on terrorism" and no one seems to care!
