Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cheers for a Clown

And also find out why this young man is performing a courageous act of defiance.
A tale of Two Als:

I am usually mortified those clowns in the Senate, but this time I'm for this one. He'll be running against Norm Coleman, the guy who replaced Paul Wellstone in a disgustingly evil election campaign. At least this one should be funny.

Now...I have been thinking about this for some time. Want to hear my choice for the Democratic president/VP nominations? I'm not predicting it will happen by any stretch, and frankly, odds would seem to be against it. Giving each side of the Democratic Party a place on the ticket would be incredibly powerful but these two people are not soulmates. They are, however, very astute politicians. One of them has bigger balls than the other, but maybe earned wisdom can be the great compensator.

This one for President

And this one for Vice President

Let the gasps begin!



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