Karl Rove's middle name is Christian.
Karl Christian Rove was born on Christmas day 1950.
He claims to have lost his first political battle in 1959 when, having chosen to support Richard Nixon, he was beaten up in elementary school by a Catholic girl who supported John Kennedy.
Running away from Congressional subpoenas, Karl Rove got a big hug from George W. Bush as he announced his resignation. Of he things Rove covered in his remarks, there was no mention of why he just bought a very expensive new house in Washington D.C. with a mortgage term of a remarkable 3 months. Can you say "short term profit" boys and girls? The obscene resale price of the home is a traditional Republican bigwig method of paying for service to the party.
We'll miss him like a toothache but I bet he winds up stinking rich.
The president's advisor, Karl Rove, announced he's resigning. I was surprised. I didn't think anyone in the White House had an exit strategy.
Karl Rove has been called "Bush's brain." I don't really know if that's a compliment.
It's like being called "Paris Hilton's talent" or "Trump's hair." ..Fergusen
In other late breaking snark:
"The brand new president of the Young Republican National Federation, 33-year-old Glenn Murphy, has resigned after one month in office, after police say he is being investigated for performing an unwanted sex act on a sleeping man. Murphy defended himself by saying the act was consensual and he may have had just too much to drink at the time. Well, what guy hasn't done that after a couple of beers? ... See, there you go. The Democrats may talk a good game at the gay rights forum last night, but the Republicans are actually out there doing gay things." --Jay Leno
"Last night, during a debate sponsored by a gay group, Senator Hillary Clinton was criticized because of her husband's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. In response, Hillary said, 'Sorry, but our entire marriage is based on me not asking and him not telling'" --Conan O'Brien
"In a recent interview, President Bush's father said he gets upset when people tell him his son is doing a bad job. Bush's dad went on to say, 'You'd think after 60 years I'd be used to it.'" --Jay Leno
"Across the aisle, on Sunday, all nine Republican candidates skipped church to take part in a forum on ABC's 'This Week.' The highlight? When George Stephanopoulos asked each contender this question [on screen: Stephanopoulos asking, 'What is a defining mistake of your life and why?'] ... At least one candidate managed to be both honest and evasive [on screen: Rudy Giuliani saying, 'To have a description of my mistakes in 30 seconds?' and then shaking his head no]. I mean, here's a hint. It starts with annulling my first marriage to my second cousin and it ends with my kids from my second marriage supporting Barack Obama because they hate my third wife." --Jon Stewart
And the best and most tragic late night joke:
It was this week in 1974 that Richard Nixon resigned the presidency after getting caught lying and violating the Constitution. Remember when that kind of thing used to get you kicked out of office?...Leno
I giggled during this entire post.
ReplyDeleteKarl Christian?
Yeah...and born on Christmas day...Apparently with 666 for a birthmark.